Tag Archives: soul

The Love For Humanity

27 Mar

The pleasure is so vast,
Of love.
The couples in my chest
Of memory; the obstacle I sit with
And of pain.

I feel a soul call, and weirdly time calls.
And I wonder what this means
In that there seems no answer in this
Vase. “Ode On A Grecian Urn”
Turns slowly.

My center is so full, and not of spectacle, but of the
Small things and moments
Where all of their lives, combined with mine…
The love for humanity.
A personal-universal,
The blank, and balking plank
And black and white polarity of the words’ needs, and
If they are nurturing
The red rice and beans, the men,
The Cajun, Ethiopian; me, woman, women;
U.S.A., D.N.A., and love for humanity.

Ginger Ingalls 2012

In Between My Breasts

1 Mar

In between my breasts,

Quick to remark,

My heart has learned now 

That it doesn’t really work well 

That way.


Yet, stillness continues

Either way; and through the best 

Way of allowing anger

To rise and meet

My own nurturing 

Loving heart. 


It could be in little things

At first: the mail

Delivered to the wrong address

Or not delivered at all.

The oven pilot light

Needs fixing.


Later, it could be 

In talking. 


Ginger Ingalls, February 29, 2012, from “sequel,” my third book.